IBE - Intelligent Booking Engine Solution

You are one of the consolidators or aggregators that looking for worldwide business & you have a good budget & business plan to grow

You would like to build your Travel network based on multiple domain names & websites and API not only b2b registration only And Your brand name is strong & well-reputable in your market… Excellent!  We are here to help you further.

A platform that comes with its extra opportunities: 

·       Unlock new revenue streams from B2B channels,

·       Unlock new revenue streams from B2C channels,

·       Unlock new revenue streams from REST / JSON API channels,

·       Provide Platforms with other domain names and websites under your Main Platform in a different market!

IBE (Intelligent Booking Engine) solution functionalities are very similar to the mother platform of IBE Travel.

We saved all 2 years of development into this product, and it keeps on improving!

By investing in this state-of-art solution platform, your clients will get the best price online by unlocking 550+ travel services suppliers

IBE  platform functionalities are a total of three different platforms, all in one:

1.       B2B Platform,

2.       B2C Platform,

3.       B2B & B2C Platform

4.       REST / JSON API Flights & Hotels

Every platform with booking engines will be hosted on Amazon (AWS).

Are you ready for this very special product? Yes, we also thought so!


IBE (Intelligent Booking Engine) solution has all the top functionalities

AND the additional option to manage your own APIs.

This advanced product is best for:

·       Larger travel companies that have different brands for multiple customer segments

·       Multi-national travel organizations which sell their products to multiple markets

·       Organizations that manage multiple very well-reputable strong brands, which they don’t want to give up

·       Strong brands that have their own direct contracts with global suppliers

On the IBE Solution Platform, you will be able to manage 5 different domain names… your all 5 strong brands… under one tool! And you can request additional different domain websites

You will have all global suppliers through IBE Travel in ONE place!

PLUS… you can also get extra supplier integrations with whom you have your  own direct contacts.

This is One Platform that rules all others! 

This solution is perfectly suitable for the companies that want to have a strong platform but choose the suppliers to add themselves.

  • Go LIVE just in 1 month
  • 550+ suppliers worldwide
  • 45 modern web designs of your choice
  • Advanced Back Office with the accounting system
  • 2 Payment Gateway integrations are included
  • Support and Key Account Manager
  • Easy to use Back Office to seamlessly manage all your online travel business including mark-up management
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