METS Platform

You are one of the consolidators or aggregators that looking for worldwide business

You would like to build your Travel network based on multiple domain names & websites not only b2b registration only And Your brand name is strong & well-reputable in your market… Excellent!  We are here to help you further.

A platform that comes with its extra opportunities: 

·       Unlock new revenue streams from B2B channels,

·       Unlock new revenue streams from B2C channels,

·       Provide Platform with other domain names and websites under your Main Platform in a different market!

METS Platform functionalities are very similar to the mother platform of IBE Travel.

We saved all 2 years of development into this product, and it keeps on improving!

By investing in this state-of-art solution platform, your clients will get the best price online by unlocking 550+ travel services suppliers

METS platform functionalities are a total of three different platforms, all in one:

1.       B2B Platform,

2.       B2C Platform,

3.       B2B & B2C Platform

Every platform with booking engines will be hosted on Amazon (AWS).

Are you ready for this very special product? Yes, we also thought so!

How you will have the full power on the METS Platform?

You will receive:

  • Full solution package in 2 weeks! 
  • Global suppliers
  • Choose amongst 45 Easy to use modern and customizable web designs delivering the best user experience to your clients 
  • The possibility of 100% automatic issue, voiding, and cancellation
  • The option of providing a B2B Booking Engine, B2C Platform, B2B & B2C Platform
  • Advanced back-office \ payment gateway integration included
  • Support and personal key account manager


Market Place

You already invested in METS Platform… You boosted your online sales to your own network and also provided IBE Trvel technology in your market.

Great… but we can go the extra mile:

By doing so, you can extend your reach to 16.500+ travel agencies worldwide!

Wait! You can go even further.

You can start reaching global distribution channels through IBE Travel and you can exponentially extend your network.

Just some ideas to extend our cooperation:

·       If you’re an IATA licenced travel company, you can sell your flight content to IBE Travel

·       If you are a strong DMC with your competitive local direct hotel contracts you are welcome on IBE Travel market place

·       If you provide local transportation with your own vehicles then you can market in on IBE Travel

·       Is your company committed to selling your own holiday packages? Increase your sales on IBE Travel market place and maximize your seat occupancy percentage, this season.

  • Full solutions deliverable in 2 weeks! 
  • 550+ global suppliers
  • 45 Easy to use modern and customizable web designs delivering the best user experience to your clients 
  • 100% automatic issue, voiding, and cancellation
  • Advanced back-office \  Payment gateway integration included
  • Support and personal key account manager

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